- The Mystique


7. Saw-scaled Viper :
Saw - scaled viper coiled in sand

Saw- scaled viper (Echis Carinatus) of Viperidae family is highly venomous snakes and listed as one of the most deadliest snakes of South Asia. Being a member of the Big Four, this snake is responsible for many deaths in India. Its Latin name is derived from the Greek word Echis which mean viper. They inhabit the arid regions and dry savannas north of the equator including Africa, Arabia and Southern Asia across India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Found in a variety of habitat like rainforests, agricultural lands, dry plains, deserts, rock hills, sandy soils etc... Saw- scaled vipers are characteristic by side winding locomotion hence they are sidewinders. Egg-laying species reside in Africa while live-bearing species inhabit South Asia. Common names of this snake include Little Indian viper, Carpet viper or Echis.

Saw-scaled vipers are small and slender with an average length ranging from 0.3 m to 0.8 m and can barely reach 0.9 meters. Though small in size, these vipers are one of the largest found snakes of the world. They are characterized by short, stout body with small, wide head distinct from the neck. Coloration includes various shades of brown, gray, orange with darker spots. Scales of this snake are strongly keeled with serrations. Like most of the snake species, these vipers are nocturnal, but may be active even at day times. Diets of these snakes include rodents, small mammals, amphibians, lizards, birds and even invertebrates like scorpions and centipedes. 

Saw- scaled vipers are highly irritable, very agile and aggressive on provocation and its lethal venom make them much more dangerous. These are quite common snakes, which live in the proximity of humans, hence are responsible for most fatalities in South Asia. In defense, they coil themselves or even may hide in the sand. They produce a hissing like sound by rubbing its scales as a warning alarm for its predators. These snakes are fierce and bites are extremely fatal. Venom of these snakes contains hemotoxins, which on injection results in collapse of the circulatory system with internal bleeding. Swelling with intense pain can also be experienced. Females are twice as poisonous as males. Mortality rates due to this snake bites are high in South Asia due to unavailability of anti- venom in time.

Ratings :

Venom toxicity-10
Venom yield-2
Fatality- 9
Deposition - 10

Total score-33

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