- The Mystique


2. Bothrops Asper :
A coiled Bothrops Asper

Known for its aggressiveness, this snake can be marked as the second most fearsome snake in the world and first in the American continents.  These snakes are found in a wide variety of habitats including tropical rainforests, tropical evergreen forests, Savannas, lowlands, dry mountainous regions and some parts of Mexico. These snakes mostly live closer to the proximity of humans and that is why they are responsible for the highest number of snake bites in Central America, especially Costa Rica. They belong to the pit-viper species and commonly alluded  as "The ultimate pit viper." These snakes are otherwise called as Fer-de-lance (in most parts of North America), Terciopelo (velvet in Spanish), Lancehead (North America), Barba Amarilla or the Yellow-jawed Tommygoff. Rodents are their favorites, ofcourse they also rely on small mammals, lizards, frogs, birds and some fish for food.

Bothrops Asper can be easily distinguishable unlike the other snakes with their flat, broadened heads attached to their black or brown colored bodies. The scales on their bodies may vary depending on the dryness of the region. These are among the mostly sexually dimorphic of all snakes. These snakes vary phenotypically along its geographical range leading to the confusion with Bothrops Atrox, which actually varies with rectangular or trapezoidal blotches. These snakes are often 1.2 to 1.8 meters in length(4-6 ft) and can weigh up to 6 kilograms. Females have thick, heavy bodies with proportionally larger fangs and grow significantly larger than males. Some females can even reach to 2.5 meters(8.2 ft).

Terciopelos are well- known for their ambush attacks. During the day, they lie coiled amongst the leaf-litter where their thick, larger bodies are harder to spot and become nocturnal during night. Unlike Bothrops Atrox, these snakes are excitable, unpredictable and are renowned for its propensity to strike aggressively and swiftly. Its large size and rising of head off the ground can result bites even above the knee. Unlike the juveniles, adults can regulate the amount of venom they inject. Bite symptoms include severe pain, oozing from wounds,local swelling, mild fever, headache, bleeding from gums, nausea, tenderness of spleen, unconsciousness or may result in death. If its left untreated, it may result in severe necrosis resulting in amputation. Costa Rica's local folk have no love for this species as their bites include half the total number of snake bites in Costa Rica. Recent investigations have reduced its fatality to nearly zero percent.

Ratings :

Venom toxicity-6
Venom yield-8
Fatality- 8
Deposition - 10

Total score-40

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