- The Mystique


10. Egyptian Cobra :

An Egyptian Cobra with its hood open

Egyptian Cobra(Naja haje) being one of the largest of the Naja genus, is deadly venomous elapid snake which is responsible for many deaths in Africa. Its venom is so potent that it can a juvenile Indian Elephant in 3 hours. It is the third most venomous snake of Cobra family. According to the legend, Egyptian queen Cleopatra asked to deliver an Egyptian Cobra in a basket of figs and that snake was responsible for her death. Mostly found in the North Africa and Arabian peninsula, this snake makes its home in moist savannas and dry regions. They can also be found in agricultural fields, hills and oases. They often enter the human habitat in search of rodents. Local folks say that these snakes are even found swimming in the Mediterranean sea. 

Egyptian cobras are strong and thought to be very intelligent and docile. They are nocturnal and can be found basking under the Sun during day times. As night- hunter, it preys on rats, chickens, toads, small mammals and even on other venomous snakes like Puff Adder. It can grow to 8 ft long with an average, ranging from 5  to 6 ft. The color of this snake can vary from grayish yellow to brown or even black. These snakes are moderately stout with flat heads. Watching Egyptian cobra with hood is quite a spectacle. 

The incidents of this cobra- human interactions are inevitable, especially in rural areas.  This snake escapes and does not try to bite in most of the cases. However, when continuously perturbed, it expands its hood and stands with an upright posture to strike. This cobra can produce a deadly venom which contains nuerotoxins which severely damages the nervous system and stops signals to muscles, lungs, heart to cause death due to respiratory failure. Symptoms like headache, convulsions, dizziness and nausea. In critical cases, necrosis would be so severe with excruciating pain. Luckily, these snakes do not have much love for humans.   

Ratings :

Venom toxicity-6
Venom yield-5
Fatality- 6
Deposition - 6

Total score-29

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