- The Mystique


3.Russell's Viper:

Russell's Viper - It's stocky

Russell's viper (Daboia Russelli), a highly venomous snake of the Viperdae family is found in Asia, covering most parts of South-East Asia, throughout the Indian subcontinent, Sri Lanka, Southern China and Taiwan. Its habitat stretches from the farmlands to dense forests. On the honorary of a famous herpetologist, Patrick Russell, this old world viper was named so. These snakes are otherwise called as Doboia, Tic Polanga, scissors snake,seven pacer and chain viper. These snakes are responsible for the highest number of fatalities and snake bite injuries within its habitat. Being a member of the Big Four of India, this snake is responsible for numerous fatalities due to its widespread geographical range and its close proximity to humans. 

Russell's viper can be easily identified by their robust and stout bodies with keeled scales and almond like spots in three rows covering their whole dorsal bodies. Their heads are flattened, pointed, triangular and distinct from the neck.They can grow to a length up to 5.5 feet with an average being 4 feet and can weigh between 6.5 kg to 8.2 kg. It feeds chiefly on rodents, birds and small mammals.

Russell's viper is highly irritable, fast and vicious. On provocation or when it feels threatened, it coils tightly, hisses loudly and strikes with a lightning speed to inject its potent haemotoxic venom. its venom is highly coagulant and result in severe damage of muscle tissues and red blood cells. These snakes generally basked in the sunlight and act as nocturnal ravagers during sunlight. Envenomation symptoms begin with extreme pain followed by swelling near the wound proximity. Bleeding from the gums is most common, though along with a severe headache, nausea and mild fever. Blistering occurs at the site of the bite and result in severe necrosis in extreme cases. Leakage of plasma and red blood cells may result in discoloration near the swollen region. Death may occur within 1-14 days if untreated due to respiratory or cardiac failure.

Being effective in inducing Thrombosis, its venom is widely used as a coagulant resulting in killings of these snakes indiscriminately for medicinal and research purposes, In many parts, it is exploited for its skin and meat.

Ratings :

Venom toxicity-7
Venom yield-7
Fatality- 10
Deposition - 9

Total score-38

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